
8 11 2012

I apologize to my, albeit small, reader base for having not posted last week. I really have no excuse, but I hope to make it up to you with a double post today. This week my post is about identity, and I sincerely hope that you enjoy this week’s post.

Identity. Me. We. Us. I see myself differently than anyone else will ever see me. And We all have our own Selves inside our selves. Unfortunately, they only reflect slight bits onto our outer selves. It happens, for example, quite like the moon and the sun. The moon reflects only a small amount of the true blinding radiance of the sun, and what it does shine is always altered by its physical appearance and its scars of past experiences. Now, this of course is not a perfect analogy, as the sun eventually comes out of hiding, showing its beautiful blinding radiance, whereas most of us will never truly show our entire selves. If we ever do, it’s only to a few people, and always altered by their protective layers of prejudice that keep them from being blinded by our brilliance. However, our true selves never change, only the scars and appearance of our reflections. We are always beautiful, always perfect, and always truly amazing.


staring, waiting, through this tear-streaked window

Will anyone love me, this real self?



caring, loving, wondering what this world holds

Can no one see me inside of here?



seeing, staring, all the tinted shields outside

Does no one care to leave their safety?



hoping, praying, someone else will save me here

Will no one come to help me?



seeing, hearing, one laughing outside their shell

Why does no one see the wonder?



judging, whispering, her standing all alone out there

Can she not see her nonconformity?



thinking, realizing, she doesn’t care what they say

Can I do the same as her?



praying, hoping, I can do it as she does

Will I be as free as she?



stepping, striding, towards the door of my purgatory

How could I stay inside of here?